Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Blog # 8
The resolution of this story is when Artemis puts Orion in the stars.
Blog # 7
The climax would probably be when Artemis discovers that she killed Orion.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Blog # 6
The plot of the earlier posted myth is when Apollo tricks Artemis to kill her friend.
Blog #5
look- sandy
smell-  fresh
sounds- noisy
taste- salty
feel- moist

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Blog # 3
moon related to culture- people travel be the light of the moon
hunting related to culture- people hunt to get food and as a sport
birth related to culture- all woman have the capability to give birth to a child and all people have been born
Blog # 2
After Artemis was born she helped her mother give birth to her brother Apollo. When Artemis fell in love with Orion, Apollo became jealous, put Orion on an island, and made a wager that Artemis could not hit what she would later find out was Orion. As a sign of respect and out of her love she put Orion in the sky to be in eternal peace.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Blog # 1
Name: Artemis
Physical Description: Artemis is know to wear a short chiton(a dress worn in greek times), a bow in her hand, a quiver of arrows, and an animal in her sight or by her side
Family: Apollo, Zeus, Leto
Qualities: Good with a bow
Strengths: hunting, helping others give birth, and staying a virgin
Powers: Accuracy with a bow, cleverness, strength, speed, transformation, heal/kill, protect females through child birth, cause diseases, and super human physical abilities
Object association: Bow, stag, and a cypress
Originality of Deity: Greek
Culture association: Greek